Public Consultation on the Peatland Standard for Ireland

The Peatland Standard for Ireland provides a process to quantify ecosystem improvements from peatland restoration projects in Ireland. This process follows voluntary market principles and is designed to provide robust, high-quality certificates to provide a return for a project’s capital and management requirements.

First announced on 19th October 2024, the public consultation on the Peatland Standard for Ireland (the Standard) opened on 5th November 2024. The aim of this public consultation was to gather feedback from stakeholders, including the public, environmental groups, and industry, to ensure that the Standard is an effective and useful tool for the protection, restoration, and sustainable management of peatlands in Ireland.

This document summarises the input that was received during the public consultation and the responses from PFI. Additionally, the document includes all comments that were received in full. PFI appreciates the time, interest and valuable insights that were provided through this public consultation. PFI has assessed all feedback and will aim to implement the suggestions where feasible in Version 1.0 of the Peatland Standard, which is planned to launch in March 2025.

Download the Peatland Standard for Ireland Public Consultation Summary Report here.